Dieting Principles

How to lose weight

To lose weight you need to take in less energy (calories) than you expend. If you follow a Super Slim diet this will happen naturally. Our diets are generous though, so don’t exceed them!

Speak with Personal Consultant Every week

Regular contact with you personal consultant is vital. If you miss a week, chances are you will cheat, then promise yourself that you will diet for the next week! If you don’t, you will then miss that week, become embarrassed and quite often give up altogether.

Slim for yourself

Put yourself first while slimming. Allow yourself time to prepare the right foods that will result in your weight loss.

Enjoy your food

The enjoyment of food is important. Normal family foods are essential to your weight loss. Do not eat ‘diet ‘ foods unless you genuinely enjoy them. However, if you like the low-calorie alternative, then that’s fine. More importantly, the foods you eat should contain all the nutrients needed for good health.


Reduce your portion sizes and serve your meals on a smaller plate.


Plan your meals. Make a shopping list and buy only what you need. Never go shopping feeling hungry.

Food recording

Write everything down you eat and drink on your ‘truth sheet’ (just print one off or fill it in online if you have Diet Analysis). Truth sheets bring about weight losses and you will be amazed how much food you do eat.


It has probably taken a long time to put your weight on, so unfortunately it’s not going to disappear overnight. Have patience! By losing 1lb to 2lb a week, results will show quickly. Losing just 1lb per week over a year is a 3st 10lbs loss.

Weighing yourself

Weigh only once a week on the same day you are booked to speak with your personal consultant. Weigh on the same scales, at the same time each week and you will obtain an accurate weight loss. Wear similar clothes each week.


Taking regular exercise is important to good health. Increase your activity level, as this will help with your weight loss campaign.